Senior coach Lou Raffaele (right) has set our training schedule for the pre-season, and you can find the details by checking the news pages. We're down at Ormond Park on Sundays, using the new nets, and senior sessions are also on from 5.30pm on Tuesdays.
Lou has organised two practice matches at Fairbairn Park against Haig Amateurs on Sunday, September 28. Fairbairn Park is alongside the Maribyrnong River, off Woods St, Ascot Vale.
For more details on the training schedule, click on the NEWS PAGE link at the top of this page.
Remember: White shirts/tops are compulsory.
Pre-season Seniors newsletter: - Click on the link in the file which is listed in our "Seniors Pre Season" news item in the news archives.
Junior Training has now started
Moonee Valley Cricket Club's junior training is now in full swing.
Junior players from past seasons, our new sign-ups and intending new players should come down for our sessions to get some form under the belt leading in to the season.
Our training runs from 4.30 to 6pm, and is:
Under 10s and Girls - Mondays commencing September 8.
Under 16s - Tuesdays commencing September 9.
Under 12s - Wednesdays commencing September 10.
Under 14s - Thursdays commencing September 11.
A range of apparel - both playing gear, after-match gear and training gear - will be on sale on most training nights.
Junior Co-ordinator Kevin Gardiner (right) advises that for 2008/09 we have entered junior teams across all age groups.
Our team entries are:
* Three Under 16 teams - one playing Saturday home games, two of them playing Sunday home games.
* Four Under 14 teams - two playing Saturday home games, two playing Sunday home games.
* Four Under 12 teams - two playing Saturday home games, two playing Sunday home games.
* Five Under 10 teams - which all play Friday evenings.
* One Under 12 Girls team - which plays Monday evenings.
* One Under 16 Girls team - which plays Wednesday evenings.
We have entered our top team in each age group in A Grade.
We still need a couple of coaches across the age groups, particularly in Under 10s. Our success in the past has been based on parental involvement, so we would be keen to talk to any Dads and Mums who are interested in finding out more.
Players or parents wanting more information should ring Junior Co-ordinator Kevin Gardiner on 0417 536 896 or President Charlie Walker on 0409 237 543.
Training is at our home ground, Ormond Park is in Pattison Street, Moonee Ponds. The season starts on the weekend of October 10/11/12.
Way ahead for our two women's teams
Following on from the success of our inaugural season in 2007/08, Moonee Valley has entered two teams in the Victorian Women's Cricket Association one-day grades.
And we're already training on Wednesdays at 5.30pm at Ormond Park.
We still need more players to round out our roster - either experienced cricketers or first-time players, as many of our inaugural pioneers were - so please canvass around for some recruits. Everyone's welcome - age or experience aren't a bar.
Anyone interested in joining us should phone Charlie Walker on 0409 237 543 or send an email to mooneev@club.cricketvictoria.com.au
Appointments: Captains now in place

Our Chairman of Selectors for 2008/09 is Mark "Junior" Cini (right), who has been at Moonee Valley for more than a decade and has played more than 100 games. Mark brings excellent analytical skills to the position of Chairman, and knows the players and their capabilities.

Club President Charlie Walker said Mark was an excellent choice as Chairman of Selectors, and would bring a fresh outlook to the selection table.
Daniel Phillips (left) has been reappointed as captain of the Second Eleven - the fourth year in which he has held this role.
Dino Sapuppo is captain of the Third Eleven. Dino previously held this position in 2006/07, and has proved to be a formidable opponent on the field.

Steve Malone has taken on the role as captain of the Fifth Eleven, and is keen for it to be a development team for some of our top juniors coming through to senior ranks. Steve is a past senior coach of Oak Park, and brings a wealth of experience to the job, particular with junior development.
Brett Curran (right) is captain of the Sixth Eleven - the third year he has led this team. A taste of finals last season has Brett and his crew hungry to go further.

Richard Cooney (left) has been appointed captain of what had been our sevenths, but with the expansion of the Moreland Moonee Valley comp to three grades will now be designated our Eighth Eleven. Richard's no-nonsense style will suit the team, which we expect to be a mix of older players and younger ones coming through. Richard was one of the "parent pioneers" in 2001 who signed up to play in the precursor which led to our expansion.
Paul Comino again takes on a key junior development role as captain of the Ninth Eleven. Some young players still in junior ranks got valuable experience playing with Paul in the Ninths last season, and he will again be in charge of helping them settle in to senior ranks.
We will be interviewing for the positions of captain of our women's teams in mid-September.
The Club is still looking for new players for next season. Anyone interested in joining Moonee Valley should ring Charlie Walker on 0409 237 543 or Lou Raffaele on 0433 456 436.
Our Valleys Committee 2008/09
Graeme “Charlie” Walker has been elected president of the Moonee Valley Cricket Club, after seven years as Junior Co-ordinator and 12 years involvement with our juniors.
Charlie has taken on the top role from Sandro Capocchi, who did not renominate after two years in the role due to work commitments.
Sandro nominated Charlie for the presidency when names were called at the May 28 annual general meeting.
The financial report from Treasurer Peter Fenaughty showed a healthy profit for the Club, which in 2007/08 fielded 24 senior and junior teams – making us one of the four biggest clubs in Melbourne.
Club vice-president Jim Polonidis and Secretary Richard Cooney were re-elected unopposed to their positions,
Assistant Treasurer for the past two seasons, Paul Comino, has stepped up to the Treasurer’s role to round out the four-member executive.
The 2008/09 committee following on from the AGM is:
President – Charlie Walker (right).
Vice President – Jim Polonidis.
Treasurer – Paul Comino.
Secretary – Richard Cooney.
Sponsorship Manager – Kim Johnston.
Assistant Treasurer - Phill King.
Junior Co-ordinator – Kevin Gardiner.
Equipment Manager – Daniel Phillips.
Canteen Manager – Peter Fenaughty.
Funds Manager – Jenny O’Brien.
Merchandising & Clothing Manager – Steve Malone.
***The position of Events/Function Manager is still unfilled, and applications have been invited.
For contact details, go to the NEWS banner on top of this page, and find Club Office-bearers and Officials from the drop-down menu.
Comments from the President - see here
Valley's Women show their true Spirit Moonee Valley's women's team, in our inaugural season, won one of the most prestigious awards in the Victorian Women's Cricket Association.
We won the Spirit of Cricket Award - which like the AFL's Brownlow Medal, is the award voted for by the umpires.
It was a fitting reward for the way our women's team players conduct themselves on the field and follow the spirit and ideals of cricket. For more information go to our News pages.
Main Club contact details:
Richard Cooney - Club secretary 0411 034 707
Charlie Walker - President 0409 237 543; 9370 1802
Kevin Gardiner - Junior Co-ordinator 0417 536 896
For more contacts, see "Office bearers & Officials" under "Club News & Info" at the top of the page.
(email: - mooneev@club.cricketvictoria.com.au)
Our website: http://archive.mooneevalleycricket.com.au
The Moonee Valley Cricket Club is a section of the Moonee Valley Sporting Club .
Last updated: September 12, 2008For more history on our Cricket Club, including Premiership match reports, click here
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