Our Moonee Valley junior cricket program 2024/25
Our Moonee Valley junior cricket program 2024/25
Our Moonee Valley junior cricket 2024/25
Welcome to the Moonee Valley Cricket Club for Juniors page. Our club welcomes all junior cricketers and all levels of ability. Our junior teams play in the NWMCA competition and a Woolworths Cricket Blast program
Our club has teams for Friday evening competitions in U10, U12, U14 and U16 age groups. The season commencement is the start of October 2024, with a break over the Christmas holidays and a season conclusion in March 2025.
We are getting interest for girls’ teams. Traditionally, these are played on Monday evenings for U10s Girls or Wednesday evenings for older age groups over the same period as the mixed teams. Girls can also join a mixed team player in the age group immediately below their actual age group. For example, U14 girls are eligible to play Mixed U12s
Our U14 and U16 players can also play in senior teams gaining experience alongside senior players. Mixed Senior matches are played on Saturday and Sunday afternoons on turf or hard wicket depending on the competition. Women’s matches are Sunday afternoons on hard wicket.
The junior program is run by senior players at all levels and family participation is always welcome.
U12 through U16 players in premiership competition will get one day/T20 top for the season which is part of the season subscription. See below for the design
U10s have all white playing shirts for flexibility with either a named MVCC shirt or a generic white playing shirt/T-shirt.
All new and past players are welcome at MVCC, if you would like to come along to training please contact the
Junior co-ordinator.:
Paul Sevenson – ph. 0407 556 950 – mvccjuniors@outlook.com
All training is held at Ormond Park, Pattison St, Moonee Ponds.
Pre-season Thursday 4:45pm 12th, 19th 26th of September, 3rd of October
Season - From school term 4
U12s TBA U14 and U16 Thursdays 4:45pm - 6:15pm
U10s Pre Season TBA
Tuesdays TBA
In Season from Term 4 Tuesdays from 5:00pm
Woolworths Cricket Blast
From mid to late October 2024. See the subscription link below for details
For details and registration, click HERE
Legal guardians of juniors can register through the our portal:
Moonee Valley Cricket Club Registrations | PlayHQ
Prior to registration you will need :-
- A cricket.com.au id to link all details
- A PlayHQ account to register
If you need assistance please contact our Junior co-ordinator
Child Safety Policy
Our Child Safety Policy follows Cricket Australia Child Safety Policy - HERE
Club signed policy of the child safety requirements - HERE
The Moonee Valley Cricket Club also appointed committee member Andreas Skiotis as our Child Safety Officer. He is the first point of contact for members, families or supporters to refer any concerns of child abuse or any form of inappropriate behaviour. Andreas can be contacted on 0474 852 732 or at andreasskiotis13@gmail.com
Register to be a Coach or Volunteer
Our club is largely volunteer based so your assistance is appreciated. Volunteers can register through the PlayHQ site. Volunteers require a Working with Children check to be eligible. Please contact the Junior co-ordinator for details.
Paul Sevenson - mvccjuniors@outlook.com; 0407 556 950
The new system of registering through PlayHQ can be difficult to navigate for the first time. To assist in completing the task, here are some easy-to-follow instructions - click HERE
**To see the archive of Junior Wisdens, click HERE
**To see the archive of Junior Wisdens, click HERE