Our Cup Day function - come down to the bowling club
The Moonee Valley Cricket Club is holding its traditional Melbourne Cup Day function at the Ormond Park bowling club rooms this year. Following on from last year's successful day at the bowling club, we're again running sweeps and enjoying the company of fellow players and family. The day starts at midday, and admission is $20 for adults and $5 for the youngsters. The admission gets you your first drink for free. There will be a tasty meal with a Mexican theme - and talking Mexican, there are sure to be plenty of cucarachas running around at Flemington on the day. Thanks to Matt Thomas and his sub-committee for organising the event, and Life Member Danny Terzini for the work he always does with the sweeps. An RSVP isn't essential, but it would be handy to let Matt know if you're coming - either by responding to Facebook or sending a message to mooneev@club.cricketvictoria.com.au
The long wait's over. This time, it's not-outRigger!
It's taken him a third of a lifetime, but new Moonee Valley batsman Anthony Riggio has finally brought up three figures. Riggsy, 30, who transferred across to the Valleys this season from Aberfeldie Park, reached his maiden ton on October 24 in the final over of the big First Eleven Round 2 win over East Coburg. He had been a consistent First Eleven run-getter for the Bears for many years, but until now was never able to crack it past 70 - with his nine previous highest scores all in the 60s. Anthony Riggio (far right) celebrates his maiden century with good mate Chris Pollock, who came across with him from Aberfeldie Park. Dad Vince - who has followed just about every match of Riggsy's career since juniors - was sitting apprehensively at our Ormond Park home ground as his son built up his tally - and breathed a sigh of relief as he made it out of the dreaded 60s. Vince was on the phone alerting family and friends as Riggsy's score steadily mounted, and he got to 101 not out with a flurry of big shots as he took full toll on the tiring East Coburg attack. Close mate Matt Thomas, who was instrumental in luring Riggsy to Moonee Valley this season after dangling the carrot in front of him for many seasons, was unfortunately not at the ground to see the big occasion. Matt, who's dating Riggsy's sister Vanessa, had taken her to the races - but celebrated with him when they came back to Ormond Park after the last race.
And Riggsy wasn't the only centurion in the match, as Sri Lankan import Nadeera Thuppahi, batting at No. 3, compiled a majestic 138 to bury East Coburg. At left: Anthony Riggio glides the ball out through mid-wicket to bring up his century. October 24 was a big day for Moonee Valley at Ormond Park. Danny Terzini's Fifths, playing on the hard wicket, beat Northern Lions outright on the back of a 10-wicket effort from Charlie Jackson - three in the first innings and another seven when we enforced the follow-on. Go Valleys! And congratulations from us to Anthony Riggio on his long-awaited and richly deserved maiden century. Even while he stayed loyal to Aberfeldie Park over the years he was a good friend to Moonee Valley and attended many of our functions. He was appointed vice-captain of our Firsts in his first season here, backing up new skipper Nate Wolland. We're glad to have him on board - along with Vince and Vanessa around our Club.
And a big thanks to new player MAURICE VIRDUZZO for his excellent photographs of Riggsy's big moment.

Players wanted: Moonee Valley's on the lookout for batsmen and bowlers
Moonee Valley Cricket Club has hung out the shingle to attract extra players across our six senior teams for the 2014/15 season. Senior coach Mark Gauci (right) said extra players were welcome to round out the teams and create extra competition across the grades. Moonee Valley has four turf sides - two playing Sunday home games - and two hard-wicket teams. Club President Charlie Walker said new players wanting to join a progressive and vibrant club were invited to come down to training, and we would also welcome past players and lapsed players back to the Club. He said most teams has an exciting blend of experienced players and young guns, and with Moonee Valley's selection policy there would always be spots available for new players who were keen to have a go. We also have vacancies for juniors at the Under 10, Under 12 and Under 14 levels. Moonee Valley plays out of Ormond Park in Pattison St, Moonee Ponds. Senior training is from 6pm Tuesdays and Thursdays. Anyone wanting more detail should ring Charlie Walker on 0409 237 543 or Mark Gauci on 0457 778 335, or send an inquiry to our email, mooneev@club.cricketvictoria.com.au
Moonee Valley has a new structure in place for juniors this season, and it's already starting to pay dividends.
Our new structure sees committed parents Peter Pickering and Leigh Holder (far right) sharing the duties of Junior Co-ordinator and representing the junior section on the Club committee, while Channa DeSilva (right) is Director of Junior Cricket with responsibility for overseeing coaching and development. Channa, a Premiership player in our Second Eleven last season, will also be advocating for our junior section on the Club committee. Committee members Allan Cumming, Peter Golding, Charlie Walker and Kevin Gardiner are all parents of players who came through our junior section, while Matt Thomas and Jesse Nankivell-Sandor are former juniors who now have a committee role in running our Club. We have entered three Under 12 teams, an Under 14 team and two Under 10 teams, but there's still scope for more players to sign up. Peter pointed out that all our junior teams are fixtured to play Friday evenings this season, because this is what parents and families wanted. While the Under 10s play their home games on mown turf strips at Ormond Park, our Under 14s and one Under 12 team will alternate with home games on the Ormond Park synthetic. The other two teams will be able to play their home games at our other long-term ground, Debney Park. Leigh pointed out that we still need assistance with coaching and team-managing roles with a couple of the teams, and is confident that parents will help step into the roles. Any families or parents wanting more information about Moonee Valley's junior program, or wanting to join, can phone Leigh Holder on 0423 226 532, Channa DeSilva on 0402 833 592, Club President Charlie Walker on 0409 237 543 or email us on mooneev@club.cricketvictoria.com.au
Second year player Nate Wolland has been appointed captain of Moonee Valley's First Eleven team. The appointment was confirmed by the committee and announced by coach Mark Gauci at training on August 29. Nate replaces Matt Thomas, our Firsts Eleven captain for the previous two years, who had to step aside this season due to a year-ending knee injury requiring surgery. Nate impressed the interview sub-committee with his detailed planning and game analysis, and is certain to be able to work closely with coach Gauci and with Matt Thomas, who has taken on an assistant coaching role this season. "I'm very excited to have been appointed," Nate said. "It's adversity for Matty, so I feel for him, but I'm very confident going in to the season. "On paper, with the level of talent of the existing players and the new players coming in, I'm excited about our opportunity to win the flag. "I'm excited about Gauch's appointment, and look forward to working closely with him." Nate is a sharp and accurate fast bowler, and stepped straight into our Firsts last season after transferring over from Ashburton Willows. A native New Zealander, he captained the Rotarua/East Pirates second eleven in two successive finals campaigns. Nate played across at Ashburton in his first season in Australia after being invited by a workmate. He joined Moonee Valley in his second season here as he wanted a club closer to his Brunswick home, and said he immediately fitted in and felt welcomed. And Nate's also made an immediate impact on our recruiting - his stepson Ethan will be playing for Moonee Valley Under 14s, after playing last season at Ascot Vale.
Main Club contact details:
* Charlie Walker - President 0409 237 543; 9370 1802 * Adam Patchell - Club Secretary 0407 552 141 * Peter Golding - Club Treasurer 0419 009 721 * Simon Thornton - Vice President 0417 570 779 * Leigh Holder - Joint Junior Co-ordinator 0423 226 532 allleigh@bigpond.net.au * Peter Pickering - Joint Junior Co-ordinator 0414 800 145 pjp@vicbar.com.au * Channa DeSilva - Director of Junior Cricket 0402 833 592
Email: mooneev@club.cricketvictoria.com.au
For more contacts, see " Office bearers & Officials " under "Club News & Info" at the top of the page
Last updated: October 27, 2015.
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