Juka - we congratulate you
Dean Jukic has become just the eighth player in Moonee Valley’s 50-year history to reach the 300-game milestone.
Playing in the Thirds – fittingly at home – on January 16, Deano put in a typical strong performance to help notch up a convincing win.
A solid batting score and a couple of wickets were more than enough to help the team over the line. Deano also had the privilege of being able to play his milestone game with long-standing club and team mates in Jim Polonidis, Mark Gauci, Ian Denny and Dean Lawson.
At right: Captain Sunny Sharma with a few well-chosen words about the great Dean Jukic's 300th game - and his memento bat to honor the occasion. A two-time Premiership player, Deano has won four batting and five bowling awards across the grades from the Seconds down since he first pulled on the whites for the Valleys in 1998/99.
He’s now just a handful of runs away from the 5000 mark – ninth on our all-time list – and has more than 360 wickets to be sixth on our table.
He’s been recognised with Life Membership, is the 2019/20 winner of the Sean O’Kane Award for best player across all grades (other than Firsts), and has been selected four times as one of our Wisden Cricketers of the Year.
Deano has been chosen six times in our Wisden Team of the Year.
To top it off, he’s a four-time Most Valuable Player award winner – twice in the Thirds, once in the Fourths and once in the Fifths.
Dean is a bit of a quiet achiever around the club with wife Agatha, quietly putting in and not seeking the limelight as he goes about making it a better place.
He’s earned every accolade that’s come his way across his 300 games, and we all look forward to celebrating his 5000th run when it inevitably ticks over in the coming weeks. ****For a team photo and other pictures, click HERE
  Our team for the win in Game 2 of the tournament. L-R: Back - Matt Thomas, Sean O'Kane, Justin Maley, Nate Wolland, Mark Gauci, Jason 'Guru' Stephens and Trevor Pridham. Front - Craig Pridham, Allan Cumming, Tony Gleeson and Glen Courts.
BACK AT BAROOGA FOR TOURNAMENT 2022 Moonee Valley Cricket Club was back in Barooga for the annual January over 35s tournament, after it was called off last year due to COVID. It's been part of our annual schedule since 2014, after our initial venture there was organised by MVCC Life Member and Barooga boy Sean O'Kane.
We won our first two games quite convincingly, but were 21 runs short when we ran out of overs in the final game. We finished third in the tournament, which ran from January 10-13. MVCC senior coach Glen Courts was the star of the tournament, winning the bowling trophy with 12 wickets at a miserly average of 6.08. That's all the more remarkable as 'Buddha' is our wicketkeeper in real life - and indeed kept for part of the innings at Barooga. At left: Bowler of the tournament Glen Courts with his trophy and teammate Matt Thomas. We had a solid crew of Valley players, supplemented by a couple of Barooga top-ups. As well as Sean O'Kane, now living back in Barooga, our Valley contingent was Tony Gleeson, Allan Cumming, Mark Gauci, Nate Wolland, Matt Thomas, Glen Courts and Charlie Walker. Former Valley player Craig Pridham brought his father Trevor, and Allan Cumming brought mate Ian Reid. Our first game was under the lights at the beautiful Barooga No. 1 ground on the Tuesday, although we had it done and dusted and finished off the game before the lights came fully on. And yes, our official uniform for this tournament was lairy Hawaiian shirts, black shorts and Aussie bucket hats.

Above: Valley players celebrating the wedding of Shiwantha Kumara and Melissa Johnstone: L-R Shiwantha, Dan Comande, Melissa, Jack Newman and Adele and Charlie Walker.
A Moonee Valley contingent headed to Warrnambool on January 8 for the wedding of our past First Eleven Premiership player Shiwantha Kumara. Shiv married his long-time beau Melissa Johnstone, whom he met when she visited Sri Lanka for a wedding, and they are now officially Mr & Mrs Langappuli. The beautiful outdoor wedding was a combination of a traditional and a Buddhist ceremony. Moonee Valley was represented by Firsts captain Jack Newman and players Daniel Comande, Adele Walker and president Charlie Walker. Shiv was a key player in our 2019/20 Firsts Premiership in the VTCA. He and Melissa moved to Warrnambool - near where she grew up - at the end of that season. In his two seasons at the Valley, Shiv scored 346 runs @ 28.83, often coming in as the big hitter at the tail of the innings. He took 36 wickets @ 15.83. He was a standout in the Premiership year, with 21 of those wickets with his left arm offies at just 11.14 to earn selection in our Wisden Team of the Year. Congratulations to Shiwantha and Melissa from all of us at Moonee Valley.
 Our season's functions and prices
We have set our key function dates for season 2021/22 - listed right - and have loaded in some attractive discounts for our players and members who package them up. There are big discounts on season membership, our upcoming 50th anniversary and the reverse raffle past players day, as well as a bar/merchandise/canteen voucher for early bird payments. And paying your membership gets you an all-season discount at the bar. Details are listed here, and you can click HERE for more details on the functions. But remember - these discounts are only available once membership is paid. So pay now, and IMMEDIATELY start getting your discounts every day from the bar. To sign up - see a committee member or go to our shop - www.mooneevalleycricketstore.com.au

Moonee Valley’s senior training is on each Tuesday and Thursday, following COVID-safe requirements. We have QR code sign-in posters and hand sanitiser. Cricket Victoria is strongly encouraging all players or participants to get vaccinated. We are asking our players to show evidence of their vaccination status, as there are mandated requirements on using our facilities. If you feel comfortable, please complete the information in this form (click here) , including uploading your vaccination certificate. Your information will be held securely with the club secretary, Michael Ozbun, until the time that it is needed. Anyone interested in playing for Moonee Valley this season - seniors, juniors or our premiership-winning women's team - can phone or text President Charlie Walker on 0411 705 381 or Senior Coach Glen Courts on 0403 329 652

Our 50th anniversary ball - POSTPONED due to COVID
The Moonee Valley Cricket Club 50th anniversary ball, due to be held on January 29, has been postponed due to the spike in COVID cases at the start of January. We have had discussions with the Ultima Function Centre in Keilor Park, and will reschedule when the health situation settles down. The Back to Ormond Park and major raffle event on Sunday, January 30 will still go ahead. ****Watch for more details.

Buy club clothing, pay your membership, buy tickets to club functions - do it all at www.mooneevalleycricketstore.com.au

Main Club contact details:
* Charlie Walker - President 0411 705 381; 9370 1802 * Peter Golding - Treasurer 0419 009 721 * Michael Ozbun - Secretary 0448 548 860 * Mark Gauci - Vice President 0457 778 335 * Charlie Walker - Junior Co-ordinator - mooneev@club.cricketvictoria.com.au Email: mooneev@club.cricketvictoria.com.au
For more contacts, see " Office bearers & Officials " under "Club News & Info" at the top of the page Last updated : January 17, 2022. For more of our history, including our Premierships, click HERE
