Postcode and Mickster - their 250th games
Two Moonee Valley stalwarts - "Postcode" Peter Smith and Michael "Mickster" Cumbo - played their 250th games for our great club on the January 29/30 weekend.
While the results didn't go quite as planned - the Sixths went down off the second ball of the final over in Peter's game, and the Sevenths weren't able to put together a competitive total in Mickster's milestone match - it was still wonderful to see our players recognised for their service to the club. Above: Postcode Peter Smith and his autographed hat in front of teammates and clubmates before the game - L-R: Eden Del Citto, David Lubansky, Minh Vo, Graeme Bloom, Mark Gauci, Mitch Britton, Danny Terzini, Michael Ozbun, Shaun Rayment, Murray Price, Allan Cumming, Jackson Price, Andreas Skiotis and Pat Taylor. Postcode's milestone game was the Saturday, and he backed up for game 251 to help Mickster celebrate his game the next day. Peter has been a constant at Moonee Valley since he came down in 2001/02, although work commitments and injury have made some of his seasons a bit sporadic. He's inching towards 1000 runs, and is well placed to get to the 350-wicket mark by the end of this season. At right: 250-gamer Michael Cumbo (left) with teammate Andreas Skiotis and the mini bat signed by the players in his milestone game. Mickster joined the Valley the season prior, and his more than 2500 runs and a respectable 37 wickets to his name - as well as a Premiership flag, a hat-trick and a century. He's been playing the last couple of seasons closer to his Werribee home, but decided to come back and bring up his miletone game with the Valley. **It was Valley's Back to Ormond Park day
The Moonee Valley Cricket Club’s “back to Ormond Park” day on January 30 was a great success, with our reverse raffle as a highlight. Past and present players, Life Members, supporters and friends all flocked to the park to enjoy the cricket action from the Fourths and Sevenths, the food drink and camaraderie. At left: Some significant players - past and present - who have contributed to Moonee Valley's history - L-R: Back: Allan Cumming and Rex Bennett. Front: Greg Peters and Darren Nagle. And the raffle. The last five ticketholders agreed to combine the prize, so it was shared across Doug Cumming, Peter Butler, Michael Harvey, John Talone, Jack Newman and Sandro Capocchi. Other $100 prizes were won by Stephen Esmore, Charlotte Gibaldi, Jason Walsh, Graham Bowden, Jimmy Holt and Garry Dudderidge. Special thanks to Chris Sherer and Peter Bevis for running the kitchen and keeping the hot food up all afternoon, Peter Golding, Jack Cumming and the others behind the bar, Ian Denny and Dom Rettino for conducting the raffle, and Agatha Jukic for a hand in everything along with Vanessa Schuller. The Back to Ormond Park day was meant to be the second part of a big weekend with our 50th Anniversary ball, but we had to postpone that due to the spike in coronavirus. We expect that to be on later in the year, possibly in October. Our Teams of the Decade for each decade of our first 50 years were posted in the clubrooms for the Back To event, and were keenly read. Each decade had its Team of the Decade drawn from First Eleven players from that era. There was also an “Other” team comprising players who played most of that period in the other grades, plus a couple of significant contributors in other areas. *****For more pictures and detail of the Team selections, click HERE

Moonee Valley’s senior training is on each Tuesday and Thursday, following COVID-safe requirements. We have QR code sign-in posters and hand sanitiser. Cricket Victoria is strongly encouraging all players or participants to get vaccinated. We are asking our players to show evidence of their vaccination status, as there are mandated requirements on using our facilities. If you feel comfortable, please complete the information in this form (click here) , including uploading your vaccination certificate. Your information will be held securely with the club secretary, Michael Ozbun, until the time that it is needed. Anyone interested in playing for Moonee Valley this season - seniors, juniors or our premiership-winning women's team - can phone or text President Charlie Walker on 0411 705 381 or Senior Coach Glen Courts on 0403 329 652

Buy club clothing, pay your membership, buy tickets to club functions - do it all at www.mooneevalleycricketstore.com.au

Main Club contact details:
* Charlie Walker - President 0411 705 381; 9370 1802 * Peter Golding - Treasurer 0419 009 721 * Michael Ozbun - Secretary 0448 548 860 * Mark Gauci - Vice President 0457 778 335 * Charlie Walker - Junior Co-ordinator - mooneev@club.cricketvictoria.com.au Email: mooneev@club.cricketvictoria.com.au
For more contacts, see " Office bearers & Officials " under "Club News & Info" at the top of the page Last updated : February 15, 2022. For more of our history, including our Premierships, click HERE

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