Our 40th anniversary night takes the
Some 85 past and present players and supporters attended the 40th anniversary dinner for the Moonee Valley Cricket Club on Saturday, January 28, and a great night was had by all.
A highlight of the night were speeches both humorous and sincere from past greats Greg Peters, Laurie Mayne and Club founder Ray Storey, and equally compelling presentations by greats who are still pulling on the whites in Darren Nagle, John Talone, Ian Denny and Sandro Capocchi.
Highlights of the night were the cutting of the 40th anniversary cake, designed and donated by past women's captain and current committee member Tien Polonidis, a loop of old and not-so-old photos organised by secretary Peter Golding, and a display of memorabilia curated by Kevin Gardiner.
***For more pictures and reports on the night, watch this space. Click HERE for the first lot of extra pics.
MOONEE VALLEY IS IN THE NEWS! Launch shows we're in a healthy State
 Moonee Valley Cricket Club was in the news on January 29 when the Victorian Government chose to launch its Population Health Survey report at Ormond Park.
Club Vice President Simon Thornton (far left) joined State Health Minister David Davis to front the media and discuss healthy lifestyles.
Minister Davis was then joined by senior players and our Under 12s to share platters of fresh fruit - which is standard fare for the afternoon teas for our senior teams every weekend.
Mr Davis said the Moonee Valley Cricket Club was an excellent model for a healthy and active lifestyle.
"Just 52% of the people surveyed for the current report met the recommended minimum daily intake of two or more serves of fruit," Mr Davis said.
"And less than one in 10 met the target of five or more serves of vegetables each day.
"The Victorian Government is using the Prevention Community Model, which is a joint Federal and Victorian program, to encourage people to take steps to improve their health and wellbeing."
Footage of the launch ran on the Channel 9 and 7 news bulletins on the night of the launch.
**** For more pictures of the launch, words from Minister Davis and for links to the TV news items and media conference audio, click on the link HERE
Moonee Valley's in the pink for Glenn McGrath
Moonee Valley Cricket Club will be turning pink on the weekend of February 18 in support of the McGrath Foundation and its Pink Stumps Day.
As an initiative from coach Vic Hodge, we have received pink stumps, pink keeper gloves and pads, pink caps and other goods to ensure that we are seen - and heard - to be in support of the breast cancer initiative.
Moonee Valley is helping to raise funds for breast cancer support and research, and Vic calls on players and supporters to get behind the push and make MVCC one of the biggest donors to the cause. People can put cash in the tin in the clubrooms, or donate direct via our Club through the email address http://pinkstumpsday.gofundraise.com.au/page/VicHodge
Showing their support in the lead-up to the day are L-R Victoria Thorneycroft, Tien Polonidis and Vic Hodge.
**** For more details, go to the News Pages link at the top of this page.
Vice President Simon Thornton has organised our new training tops, and our players can all look smarter as we go through our sessions as a result.
The smart grey tops have been subsidised at $20 each, thanks to contributions by our sponsors, Income Solutions and Complete Stainless Steel. Thanks go to our Sponsorship Manager, Evan Blythe for his work in facilitating this. Thanks also to our contacts at the two companies - Firsts batsman Steve Nickelson with Income Solutions, and First Eleven captain Mark Gauci at Complete Stainless Steel.
Our Club policy of requiring players to wear a white or predominantly white top at training has now been broadened to include a grey Club training top as an alternative to the white.
*Shown here modelling the new shirts are (L-R) Simon Thornton, Craig Pridham and Mark Gauci.
Anyone wanting to buy a training shirt should see Simon Thornton or Charlie Walker at training.
CRICKET TRAINING SCHEDULE Moonee Valley Cricket Club teams train at our main home ground, Ormond Park, in Pattison St, Moonee Ponds - beside the freeway. Training details are: Seniors - Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5.30pm. Under 16s - Tuesdays 4.30-6pm Under 14s - Thursdays 4.30-6pm Under 12s - Wednesdays 4.30-6pm Under 10s - Mondays 4.30-6pm Milo In2Cricket - Fridays - 5.30pm
For more details, ring Charlie Walker on 0409 237 543 ****** Membership fees and payment options for 2011/12 - Seniors and juniors. FINAL PAYMENTS NOW DUE. To find out amounts and how to pay, click here Main Club contact details: Peter Golding - Club Secretary 0419 009 721 Simon Thornton - Vice President 0417 570 779 Charlie Walker - President 0409 237 543; 9370 1802 Tanya McDonald - Junior Co-ordinator 0432 165 672
************************************************************************************************ For more contacts, see "Office bearers & Officials" under "Club News & Info" at the top of the page. (email: - mooneev@club.cricketvictoria.com.au) Our website: http://archive.mooneevalleycricket.com.au

Moonee Valley's Facebook Page: Click HERE or on the Facebook logo, or go to http://www.facebook.com/MVCC.Cricket
Our Twitter Account: To see all posts click HERE or on the Twitter bird at left, or go to www.twitter.com.
For our Twitter #mvcricket link, click HERE or on the Twitter "T" on the right. You can either search for #mvcricket to get the latest posts, or type in mv_cricket to see all the communications.
The Moonee Valley Cricket Club Inc is a section of the Moonee Valley Sporting Club .
Last updated: January 31, 2012
For more history on our Cricket Club, including Premiership match reports, click here |