***Moonee Valley CC 40th anniversary celebration: January 28
**To confirm your booking for the big event, click HERE
Moonee Valley Cricket Club is holding a gala function to celebrate our 40th anniversary on Saturday, January 28. It's a dress-up affair for current and past players, partners and supporters, and is being held at Happy Receptions in Union Rd, Ascot Vale. ***For more information on the event, go to the "40th anniversary & past players" drop-down tag on the black line menu at the top of this page.
Moonee Valley's two overseas internationals finally arrived at 4am on Saturday, January 7, and were immediately in the action.
Less than 12 hours after Ihtisham Uddin and Nasir Ahmed got off the plane from Pakistan they were in action for our Firsts, playing against East Keilor.
Both have First Class experience back home, and are accomplished cricketers - Ihtisham as a batting all-rounder and Nasir as a bowling all-rounder.
Ihtisham, who was with us for half a season in 2010/11, took eight wickets for the game - 5/29 in the first innings and 3/4 in the second. While Nasir did not take a wicket with his 140kmh thunderbolts, he had several catches dropped behind the wicket, and made a classy 40 with the bat.
Many thanks to Amit Chaudhary, who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to get Ihtisham and Nasir to Moonee Valley even after there were visa delays in Islamabad. Amit persevered, and it's due to his efforts that we have our two internationals here to keep us in the hunt in the second half of the season.
Above: Amit Chaudhary (centre) welcomes Ihtisham Uddin (left) and Nasir Ahmed to Moonee Valley.
Pete gets his State cap
Moonee Valley's Peter Wright performed in front of a big crowd - he was out in the middle of the MCG on Day 3 of the Boxing Day Test to receive his Victorian Under 15 cap.
Peter, a promising fast bowler and middle order bat, was honored to receive his cap from Test legend Merv Hughes.
Peter's shown here in this shot from the TV - expertly taken by dad Norm - receiving the cap. Let's hope he emulated Merv's exploits as a feared and valuable member of the Australian Test team. SIMON TEES UP TRAINING TOPS
Vice President Simon Thornton has organised our new training tops, and our players can all look smarter as we go through our sessions as a result.
The smart grey tops have been subsidised at $20 each, thanks to contributions by our sponsors, Income Solutions and Complete Stainless Steel. Thanks go to our Sponsorship Manager, Evan Blythe for his work in facilitating this. Thanks also to our contacts at the two companies - Firsts batsman Steve Nickelson with Income Solutions, and First Eleven captain Mark Gauci at Complete Stainless Steel.
Our Club policy of requiring players to wear a white or predominantly white top at training has now been broadened to include a grey Club training top as an alternative to the white.
*Shown here modelling the new shirts are (L-R) Simon Thornton, Craig Pridham and Mark Gauci.
Anyone wanting to buy a training shirt should see Simon Thornton or Charlie Walker at training.
 JIM SPINS HIS MAGIC AT MOONEE VALLEY Former Australian leg spinner Jim Higgs took Under 14 training at Moonee Valley on December 1, and our young players took away a lot of excellent advice to put into practice.
Jim came to visit us courtesy of Matt Hogg, from our Under 14 coaching panel, and we appreciate the time and effort.
Jim Higgs is shown here with Matt Hogg and his two sons, who play at Moonee Valley - Archie (left) and Charlie.
For more pictures of Jim's visit and more detail, click on the link HERE.
Our training details at Ormond Park - we're back on deck Our seniors resumed training on Tuesday, January 3 after the Christmas break, and the seniors are now back on the park with the second half of the season.
Here's our cricket training schedule at our home ground at Ormond Park, in Pattison St, Moonee Ponds - beside the freeway.
The dates and times are: Seniors - Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5.30pm. Under 16s - Tuesdays 4.30-6pm Under 14s - Thursdays 4.30-6pm Under 12s - Wednesdays 4.30-6pm Under 10s - Mondays 4.30-6pm Milo In2Cricket - Fridays - 5.30pm
For more details, ring Charlie Walker on 0409 237 543
****** Membership fees and payment options for 2011/12 - Seniors and juniors. FINAL PAYMENTS NOW DUE. To find out amounts and how to pay, click here Main Club contact details: Peter Golding - Club Secretary 0419 009 721 Simon Thornton - Vice President 0417 570 779 Charlie Walker - President 0409 237 543; 9370 1802 Tanya McDonald - Junior Co-ordinator 0432 165 672
************************************************************************************************ For more contacts, see "Office bearers & Officials" under "Club News & Info" at the top of the page. (email: - mooneev@club.cricketvictoria.com.au) Our website: http://archive.mooneevalleycricket.com.au

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The Moonee Valley Cricket Club is a section of the Moonee Valley Sporting Club .
Last updated: January 13, 2012
For more history on our Cricket Club, including Premiership match reports, click here |