A change of Luck for our Valley tourists Moonee Valley sent two teams down to Bairnsdale on the September 24/25 weekend for games against Lucknow Cricket Club, and was able to turn the tables on the results from our last visit two pre-seasons ago.
Both our First and Second Elevens won their games, and we got some valuable match practice in.
We're grateful to Lucknow CC and its president, Paul Garry, for again hosting the games, and to its major sponsor, the Grand Terminus Hotel for arranging accommodation for us.
Our First side, batting first, made 3/101 off 30 overs, with Sean O'Kane making 54no and Trent Milne a stylish 25. We got Lucknow all out for 88, with Craig Pridham and Mark Gauci each taking two wickets.
In the Second team, Moonee Valley got Lucknow all out for 89, with Stephen Ward taking an excellent 3/20 and Simon Thornton and Bede Gannon each snaring two wickets.
In reply we made 8/140, on the back of a hard-hitting 37no from Allan Cumming and 23 from Stephen Ward.
Left: Allan Cumming shows his score - 37no.

At right: The Moonee Valley squad: L-R - Back - Mark Gauci, Matt Thomas, Steve Nickelson, Simon Thornton, Pat Taylor, Amit Chaudhary, Ashley Krollig, Peter O'Kane, Stephen Ward and Sean O'Kane.
Front - Peter Golding, Ben Thomas, Jim Polonidis, Bede Gannon, Phill King, Craig Pridham, Allan Cumming and Jessie Taylor.
*****More photos and words: Click HERE
Our training details - back at Ormond Park We are now back at Ormond Park for the rest of our pre-season training.
The dates and times are: Seniors, including women - Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5.15pm. Under 16s - Tuesdays 4.30-6pm Under 14s - Thursdays 4.30-6pm Under 12s - Wednesdays 4.30-6pm Under 10s - Mondays 4.30-6pm starting September 12 Milo In2Cricket - watch this space - due to start mid-October
For more details, ring Charlie Walker on 0409 237 543
An Ace Day at Ace Karts A group of Moonee Valley cricketers ventured to Ace Karts in Carrington Dve, Sunshine on August 21 for a day of Sunday racing on the track - the biggest in Australia.
Ace Karts is a valued sponsor of our Club, and as many players and supporters as possible were urged to attend to show our appreciation.
At the end of the 20 minute race, Nigel Walker (centre, left) finished first, closely followed by Phill King (right) and Lou Raffaele (far left).
For more information on the day, click on the link at the top of this screen for our News pages.
****** Membership fees and payment options for 2011/12 - Seniors and juniors. To find out amounts and how to pay, click here
WEDDING BELLS FOR OUR JIM AND TIENIt was a real Moonee Valley wedding when Jim Polonidis and Tien Ha were married on July 30.
The guest list comprised 37 current and former players of the Club, with a combined 4357 games between them.
The experience ranged from Life Member and Past President Darren Nagle, with 298 games to his credit, through to one-gamer Robert Goss - a past junior dad.
The 4357 game tally of course included the stars of the show, Jim with 200 games even, and Tien with 46.
There were plenty of wild and woolly cricket tales told at the reception at Ascot House in Ascot Vale, after the wedding at St Dimitrios Church in Moonee Ponds. And unlike a fair whack of the 2010/11 cricket season, the rain held off! Watch this website for more info and photos. **To see more pictures, click HERE
The season's here: Call for new players for 2011/12 - seniors, women and juniors Moonee Valley Cricket Club will welcome new players for our teams for the 2011/12 season.
We have entered four two-day teams in the Victorian Turf Cricket Association, five two-day and one-day teams in the newly-merged North West Metropolitan Cricket Association, a women's one-day Sunday team in the Victorian Women's Cricket Association and teams at the Under 16, Under 14, Under 12 and Under 10 age groups in the North West Metro Cricket Association. The experienced Vic Hodge, shown above left with Vice President Simon Thornton, is our new senior coach.
Moonee Valley is again running a Milo In2Cricket program for the youngsters. Our Junior Co-ordinator is Tanya McDonald (left).
We have spots available for players of all ages and abilities, and interested players have the option of where they want to aim - serious cricket at the top end, or more social cricket in the one-day grades.
Anyone interested in joining Moonee Valley this season should phone Charlie Walker on 0409 237 543, Secretary Peter Golding on 0419 009 721 or Tanya McDonald on 0432 165 672 (by email to tanya_l_mcdonald@hotmail.com ).
Main Club contact details: Charlie Walker - President 0409 237 543; 9370 1802 Peter Golding - Club Secretary 0419 009 721 Simon Thornton - Vice President 0417 570 779 Tanya McDonald - Junior Co-ordinator 0432 165 672
************************************************************************************************ For more contacts, see "Office bearers & Officials" under "Club News & Info" at the top of the page. (email: - mooneev@club.cricketvictoria.com.au) Our website: http://archive.mooneevalleycricket.com.au

Moonee Valley's Facebook Page: Click HERE or on the Facebook logo, or go to http://www.facebook.com/MVCC.Cricket
Our Twitter Account: To see all posts click HERE or on the Twitter bird at left, or go to www.twitter.com.
For our Twitter #mvcricket link, click HERE or on the Twitter "T" on the right. You can either search for #mvcricket to get the latest posts, or type in mv_cricket to see all the communications.
The Moonee Valley Cricket Club is a section of the Moonee Valley Sporting Club .
Last updated: September 29, 2011
For more history on our Cricket Club, including Premiership match reports, click here |