Moonee Valley Cricket Club





John Brelis - a five-wicket haul in the last game played in the Sevenths [more]
We need acceptances now: And need raffle ticket stubs and cash back NOW! [more]
Steven Ball (left) - his 100th game with Moonee Valley. Batting, bowling, fielding award winner - what hasn't he done! [more]
Please advise asap [more]

ArdernHa10Dec-350pixOur girls on the 'G'for the Boxing Day Test

Moonee Valley cricketers Clare Ardern and Tien Ha will be representing our club on the MCG on Day 4 of the Boxing Day Test.

Clare, the captain of our women's team, and Tien, a past captain and team administrator, will be competing against representives of seven other clubs in a 400 metre dash and a sprint during the tea break.

Both Clare (at far right) and Tien have played in the men's teams at Moonee Valley as well as with our women's team, and are more than capable as cricketers.

If they win the Club Cricket Challenge, Clare and Tien will win $1000 for Moonee Valley plus a bat autographed by the Australian squad for the Vodaphone Ashes Series.

So if you're at the MCG for Day 4 of the Test, cheer on Clare and Tien at the tea break. If not, keep an eye on the Channel 9 telecast as we're hoping they'll be proudly wearing our Moonee Valley colors for all to see.

Cricket makes the world go round at AroshaIhtishamAmit-10Nov 520pixMoonee Valley

Moonee Valley's latest cricket import, Ihtisham Uddin, has arrived in Australia from Pakistan, and has lost no time in settling in to training.

Ihtisham, who as recently as a month ago was playing first class cricket back home, is match-fit and raring to go.

He joins a veritable United Nations vying for spots in Moonee Valley's First Eleven.

And while there are tensions between the countries on the sub-continent, that's just not the case at Moonee Valley - as the picture here shows.

Welcoming Ihtisham are our champion Arosha Perera (left), from Sri Lanka, and chairman of selectors Amit Chaudhary (right), who came from India.

When you include Joel Wilford, Kris Garland and Simon Thornton from England, you can see cricket really does make the world go round at Moonee Valley.

Amit Chaudhary played a key role in liaising with Ihtisham as he worked through his visa application, and was the first person from our Club to welcome him when he arrived on November 10.

RaffaeleLou2010SeptAn important message from the Senior Coach

I will be making changes to training, as it has become a little slack lately. From this Thursday onwards, I will be asking that all First, Second, Third, Fifth and Sixth Eleven players train twice per week until we start getting some wins on the board - especially the First and Second sides.
I don’t have a regular say in selection, but if it gets to the stage where we are still not winning games, I will be challenging captains on who gets picked, with criteria based on training attendances alone!
Too many players are having an easy ride and it needs to stop, before the season slips away on us.
From now on at training, no-one gets into regular training until laps and stretches are done. Training won’t be just about batting and bowling all night, either.
Hard yards will be done by all senior players to get us back on track - and if you can’t train, I need to be notified - not the captain or Chairman of Selectors. Any player who can't attend the two sessions will need to ring me or send a text message on 0450 181 948
The Firsts and Seconds are two more losses away from being out of the finals race, and heading towards the relegation zone - which would let all the hard work done over the last few season go down the drain.
All players need to report to me when they arrive at training, and I will delegate as required. All drills will be assigned by me and nothing will be started unless otherwise advised.
I have sat back, watched and let things go for the first few rounds, but enough is enough. We owe it to ourselves to tighten things up, focus and train hard to enable us to play to the potential we know is there.

Lou Raffaele.
Senior Coach,
Moonee Valley Cricket Club.

Main Club contact details:
Peter Golding - Club Secretary 0419 009 721
Charlie Walker - President 0409 237 543; 9370 1802
Kevin Gardiner - Junior Co-ordinator 0417 536 896

For more contacts, see "Office bearers & Officials" under "Club News & Info" at the top of the page.

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The Moonee Valley Cricket Club is a section of the Moonee Valley Sporting Club .

Last updated: December 21, 2010
For more history on our Cricket Club, including Premiership match reports, click here


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