Above left: Joshua Norsetter in the Under 16s. Above right: Tomas Morrissy in the Under 14s Our young Valley stars play in the reps
Three Moonee Valley juniors took to the field in the North West Metropolitan Cricket Association representative teams over January, and did us proud. Joshua Norsetter, who's been starring in the Valley senior teams since he was Under 14 and has already accumulated more than 90 senior games, played in the Under 16s. Tomas Morrissy, who has played two years in the Moonee Valley Under 16s even though he qualifies for a younger age group, represented the NWMCA in the Under 14s, where they made the finals playing against associations from around the State. Tomas also has plenty of senior experience. At right: Our Under 12 rep star Katherine Baker with her coach Joshua Gorry. And Katherine Baker, now in her fourth season at Moonee Valley, showed her skill and ability in the Under 12 girls team. She was watched for most of her games by her Valley coach Joshua Gorry. Congratulations to the three of you - the whole Moonee Valley Cricket Club is proud of your efforts. Now it's back to the second half of the season for our three representatives, and they're sure to continue to play a leading role.
