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Our Cup Day function


Our Cup Day function - come down to the bowling club

Our Cup Day functionThe Moonee Valley Cricket Club is holding its traditional Melbourne Cup Day function at the Ormond Park bowling club rooms this year.
Following on from last year's successful day at the bowling club, we're again running sweeps and enjoying the company of fellow players and family.
The day starts at midday, and admission is $20 for adults and $5 for the youngsters.
The admission gets you your first drink for free. There will be a tasty meal with a Mexican theme - and talking Mexican, there are sure to be plenty of cucarachas running around at Flemington on the day.
Thanks to Matt Thomas and his sub-committee for organising the event, and Life Member Danny Terzini for the work he always does with the sweeps.
An RSVP isn't essential, but it would be handy to let Matt know if you're coming - either by responding to Facebook or sending a message to


October 26, 2015
Category: Latest News

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