Moonee Valley is celebrating the long-awaited move into our new pavilion with another exciting event - the AFL Grand Final.
It's being held on Saturday, September 28 (when else??) down at our Ormond Park ground, with a senior training session under senior coach Tony Gleeson (a Hawthorn supporter) beforehand to get everyone warmed up. Festivities start at 1pm when the bar opens, and run through to late as we all watch the action on the big screens.
There's no admission price this year, and we'll be putting on typical Grand Final fare - a barbecue - at $2 for a snag and $2-plus for a burger. Drinks are at bar prices, and we'll have a discounted Beer of the Week for tasting. Our junior won't be neglected either, and we'll have drinks from the canteen.
We understand that a number of people have long-term traditional commitments to Grand Final functions, but they can come and join us when their celebration or commiseration winds down.
So be there or be square - and bring a friend or two. Win, lose or draw (we understand a draw is out of the equation) - you'll have fun with your teammates and clubmates. Dress up in the colors of the competing teams, or of your own team that's not there this year (brown and gold is recommended but not compulsory).

New coach, new committee, new season, new clubrooms, new players - get on board
Moonee Valley Cricket Club enters the 2019/20 season on a roll - with a new coach, a revamped committee, our new $2.5 million showcase clubrooms, new players and a determination to get the job done. And if YOU want to be part of it, get on board now! We've got: * New coach Tony Gleeson (right), who oversaw Carlton's Premier Cricket flag in 2018/19 as First Eleven team manager. * A new and revamped committee running our club, with new members Liam Shaw and Joshua Gorry. * Our $2.5 million new clubrooms - sure to be the envy of every other club in the region. * New players - including Carlton Fourth Eleven premiership captain Sam Walker; Jacana club champion Sameera Vithana, Sri Lankan import Suraj Weerasinghe, and Sri Lankan international Nadeera Thuppahi, who starred at Moonee Valley several seasons ago. * A core of returning players to build a First Eleven team around, including captain Jack Newman and Sri Lankan first class player Shiwantha Kumara. * A group of exciting teens from our junior program, already pushing high into our senior grades. There's a real buzz around Ormond Park. Coach Tony Gleeson is keen for players to be challenged, so there are plenty of opportunities for more new players to come on board and push for spots. So anyone keen to come down to - or come back to - Moonee Valley should phone Tony Gleeson on 0427 043 891, Vice President Mark Gauci on 0457 778 335 or President Charlie Walker on 0411 705 381. You can also email us at
 Our 2018/19 AGM and new Committee
***For details, click HERE

Main Club contact details:
* Charlie Walker - President/Secretary 0411 705 381; 9370 1802 * Peter Golding - Treasurer 0419 009 721 * Mark Gauci - Vice President 0457 778 335 * Peter Pickering - Junior Co-ordinator 0414 800 145 * Channa DeSilva - Membership Co-ordinator 0402 833 592
For more contacts, see " Office bearers & Officials " under "Club News & Info" at the top of the page
Last updated: September 11, 2019. For more of our history, including our Premierships, click HERE
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