Victoria’s coronavirus vaccination rates suggest we’re still on target for a season start in the middle of November. While we don’t have a firm timetable for training and playing, we’re working towards the season start target of November 13 which has been adopted by the VTCA, Mercantile and the NWMCA. Based on the current Victorian Government Roadmap targets, we expect that formal training will be able to start by the end of October, when we should reach the 70% double vaccination mark. We hope to have access to our clubrooms from the first week of November. The 80% double vaccination should be the trigger for games to commence, which ties in with the November 13 start date. If the Melbourne City Council’s decision is taken as a template for other Councils and their facilities, it is likely that only fully vaccinated people would be able to access clubrooms and social areas. Cricket Victoria is still waiting on the State Government position on whether players, coaches, umpires and volunteers will need to be fully vaccinated to participate in community sport. As it is a definite possibility, CV continues to encourage all those who can be vaccinated to get it done ASAP. The earlier we reach the 80% double dose rates, the quicker we can start the season. Remember that in Melbourne, until we hit the 70% double dose level, players need to comply with the existing gathering limits (not travel more than 15km and can gather in groups of five – so long as all adults are fully vaccinated). This at least enables small groups of players to come together for a net session or drills on the park. We’re recommending groups of players consider these informal arrangements until we’re able to commence training as a group. You may wish to get in touch with guys you expect to be playing with to have a hit. Or you can contact the captain of the team you’re aiming for, to see if he’s co-ordinating any groups. We’ve appointed our senior captains for 2021/22. They are: Firsts – Jack Newman; Seconds – Matt Esmore and Michael Ozbun; Thirds – Rahul “Sunny” Sharma; Fourths – Domenic Gibaldi; Fifths – Dominic Rettino and Paddy Shelton; Sixths – Allan Cumming; Sevenths – Bill Nimorakiotakis (provisional); Eighths – waiting advice on our VIT partners. Their phone numbers are listed under “Club Office Bearers and Officials” under the “Club News” tab on the black bar at the top of the website. Senior coach Glen Courts was reappointed at the end of the 2020/21 season, while Bede Gannon has been reappointed Chairman of Selectors. For full details of what’s allowed for training and getting ready for the season, check out the COVID-19 section of the Cricket Victoria website – including the FAQs page. The site is being updated regularly so please check this out as the source of truth. ***For earlier advice on the season and structure, click HERE
Charlie Walker. President, Moonee Valley Cricket Club 0411 705 381

Our Ormond Park home is looking green and great, after having a chance to refresh following the premature end of the football season. Curator Ian "Spider" Beel has been weaving his magic on the turf table, and it's good an excellent covering of grass after scarifying and seeding. It's sure to be a top deck for our turf teams - our Firsts through to the Fourths - when the season gets under way, hopefully in November. *To see more of what's happening at Ormond Park, click HERE .
 Our 50th anniversary ball - postponed to January
The Moonee Valley Cricket Club 50th anniversary ball, which had been booked for November 27, has been shifted back to January 29 due to the uncertainty over coronavirus restrictions.
The cricket world is still unclear on a firm season start date or the restrictions and requirements that will be in force as the community works through the vaccination targets, so it was prudent to postpone this major event.
It will still be held at the Ultima Function Centre in Keilor Park, and the details other than the dates in the flier are still correct.
The gala ball and announcement of the Team of the Half Century and the Teams of the Decade will be followed by a Back to Ormond Park and major raffle event on the following day.
****Watch for more details.


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Main Club contact details:
* Charlie Walker - President 0411 705 381; 9370 1802 * Peter Golding - Treasurer 0419 009 721 * Michael Ozbun - Secretary 0448 548 860 * Mark Gauci - Vice President 0457 778 335 * Brendan Rhodes - Junior Co-ordinator - Email:
For more contacts, see " Office bearers & Officials " under "Club News & Info" at the top of the page Last updated : October 13, 2021. For more of our history, including our Premierships, click HERE

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