The Moonee Valley Cricket Club is to get a new $2 million pavilion, following a decision by the Moonee Valley Council on Tuesday, May 24.
Cr Nicole Marshall advised MVCC President Charlie Walker and Moonee Valley Football Club President Steve Radford of the big decision within hours of it being approved by Council.
It's the culmination of years of advocacy and lobbying by both clubs, as the present Ormond Park pavilion is outdated, shabby, too small and not fit for purpose. Charlie was quick to thank Cr Marshall (left) for her advocacy on our behalf, along with fellow ward councillor Jim Cusack. Cricket, football club and sporting club representatives gave Cr Marshall and Cr Cusack and Council officers a tour of the pavilion during our last season, pointing out a range of shortcomings. "We have allocated $2 million in the budget for the design and build of the Ormond Park Pavilion in the 16/17 financial year," Cr Marshall advised Charlie Walker. "Thank you very much for inviting me down to the pavilion for the visit. I didn't appreciate just how bad the condition of the facilities was. "My only regret was that I didn't come down earlier and that you have had to wait so long for this rebuild." Again, our thanks go to Cr Nicole Marshall and Cr Jim Cusack for piloting this major project through Council.
Our Spider gets the score on the board
Ormond Park identify Ian "Spider" Beel thought his days were numbered when he was summoned across to the sports pavilion - but the only numbers were up in lights.
The Moonee Valley Football Club and Moonee Valley Cricket Club jointly named the new electronic scoreboard the "Ian 'Spider' Beel Scoreboard" in honor of his immense contribution to our clubs.
Spider was caught unbewares by the honor, which had been agreed to in utmost secrecy and he was none the wiser when called across before the start of the Moonee Valley v East Keilor football match on May 7.
He has curated our cricket pitch since Moonee Valley first moved to turf in 1998/99, has a history with the football club stretching back much further, and combined with his bowls playing and curating duties, is at Ormond Park nearly every day of the week.
The announcement was made by Moonee Valley Football Club president Steve Radford - a major sponsor and past player of our cricket club.
In announcing the honor, Steve paid tribute to the efforts of MVCC past player Alan Thomas in managing the scoreboard project, and current players Matt Thomas and Mark Gauci in installing it.
Our thanks also go to the Moonee Valley City Council for the grant to enable the scoreboard project to go ahead.
Even though it's the cricket off-season, Spider hasn't been letting the grass grow under his feet. Within two days of the last over of cricket being bowled at Ormond Park, Spider laid out and watered in rolls of prime Santa Ana couch grass across the batting boxes of our pitch. It is being well trampled in by the footballers - as was Spider's intention - and so we should again have an excellent wicket for the 2016/17 season.
Well done Spider! It's an honor well deserved, and we will all be able to acknowledge your contribution to both our clubs every time we look up to see the score.
Top right: Much-loved Ormond Park cricket/football/bowls stalwart Ian Beel seems delighted as MVFC President Steve Radford makes the scoreboard-naming announcement.
Bottom left: The numbers don't lie: Not on the Ian "Spider" Beel Scoreboard. Enjoying the occasion were (L-R) MVFC Secretary Brett Curran and MVFC President Steve Radford (both also Moonee Valley cricketers), guest of honor Ian Beel and MVCC President Charlie Walker.
Deserving Dean gets our Life Membership
A 25th Life Member was inducted into the annals of the Moonee Valley Cricket Club when Dean Jukic had the prized medallion pinned to his chest at our Presentation Night on April 9. A crowd of more than 70 players and partners gathered at the Moonee Ponds Club for our big night of the year, and the room was silent when Deano was given the microphone. He spoke from the heart - as has always been the case with our Dean Jukic. The prestigious Lindsay Jones Best Clubman award was bestowed on Michael Ozbun. At right: An emotional Dean Jukic speaks about his Life Membership, flanked by Mark Gauci (left) and Darren Nagle.
Eight Life Members - Darren Nagle, John Talone, Jim McKenzie, Jim Polonidis, Dan Terzini, Kevin Gardiner, Mark Gauci and Charlie Walker - gathered at the front of the room as Deano's career and contribution at Moonee Valley was described in detail - first by Pola and Gauch, then with a Q&A session from Spud Nagle. When it was Deano's return to respond, his emotion showed his love and devotion to our Club (and of course to parner Agatha Soccio as well).
Our 2015/16 Club Champion award was won by Nadeera Thuppahi, who has returned home to Sri Lanka. We're now in negotiations for his return next season. The Club Champion was announced by Matt Thomas, who won the award in the two previous seasons. Matt also announced that Tuffy was selected in the VTCA North B Team of the Year. The runaway winner of the Moonee Valley Award, for the best player in all grades other than the firsts, was coach Mark Gauci. The Bendigo Bank Most Improved Award, determined each season by the coach, was won by Daniel Comande - whose great game in the Thirds in the first round of the year was rewarded with promotion to the Firsts, and he never looked back. Channa DeSilva broke a three-year Peter Golding stranglehold on the Wicketkeeper of the Year award when he won the vote in a keen four-way tussle for the honor with Peter Golding, Chris Rebeiro and Paul Hobbs. Above: Michael Ozbun (right) receives his Lindsay Jones Best Clubman trophy from the previous season's winner, Channa DeSilva. **Watch this space for more photos and details - CLICK HERE!
We were at the North West's big night
Moonee Valley Cricket Club was well represented at the North West Metropolitan Cricket Association's presentation night on April 8. Fifths captain Dan Terzini, regular Fifths player and past NWMCA bowling award winner Pat Taylor and regular Sixths player Nick Taylor were at the dinner, at Gladstone Park's Melrose Receptions. Club president Charlie Walker was also there as a NWMCA Life Member. The Moonee Valley contingent shared a table with the Western Leadbeaters Cricket Club - who we also shared Debney Park with for the 2015/16 season. We didn't take home any awards - but we had plenty of fun. Above: Representing Moonee Valley at the NWMCA - L-R Dan Terzini, Nick Taylor and Pat Taylor.
Our 2014/15 Senior Wisden. Note that this document hasn't been final-proofed. It will be taken down and replaced when finalised.
Main Club contact details:
* Charlie Walker - President 0409 237 543; 9370 1802 * Adam Patchell - Club Secretary 0407 552 141 * Peter Golding - Club Treasurer 0419 009 721 * Simon Thornton - Vice President 0417 570 779 * Leigh Holder - Joint Junior Co-ordinator 0423 226 532 allleigh@bigpond.net.au * Peter Pickering - Joint Junior Co-ordinator 0414 800 145 pjp@vicbar.com.au * Channa DeSilva - Director of Junior Cricket 0402 833 592
Email: mooneev@club.cricketvictoria.com.au
For more contacts, see " Office bearers & Officials " under "Club News & Info" at the top of the page
Last updated: May 25, 2016.
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