Our 50th Anniversary dinner is on - Saturday, February 25. A considerable number of past players from our 50 years have already committed to the function - so come and join them! You can book your tickets online - see the link address above. You can also search for our Moonee Valley Cricket Club Past and Present Players and Supporters page on Facebook - there's a heap of info there, including a link to see who's attending the function. For more info on the event, email Life Member John Talone at johntalone5@gmail.com

Valleys retain the Webb-Johnson/Pascu Cup Moonee Valley has retained the Webb-Johnson/Pascu Cup, which is an annual event between our club and Moonee Ponds to highlight men's health issues.
In the November 19 match, Moonee Valley First Eleven 4/127 accounted for Moonee Ponds, 8/126cc, passing their total in the 29th over. At left: Celebrating the retention of the Webb-Johnson/Pascu Cup. L-R: Back - Luke Brock, Ben Thomas, Alec McIntyre, Steve Hazelwood, Suraj Weerasinghe, Wasim Abbas and Jordon McDonald. Front - Dejan Gilevski, Jack Newman, Charles Bibby and Tom Morrissy. The victory adds to our wins in the last two encounters for the cup, which we first played in 2020/21. Games between Moonee Valley and Aberfeldie Park - now renamed Moonee Ponds - are played each time for the Webb-Johnson/Pascu Cup as a perpetual reminder of two loved and respected players and mates no longer with us - Heath Webb-Johnson of Moonee Valley and Gary Pascu of Aberfeldie Park. The inscription on the cup says everything - "their passion and legacy transcends cricket and will be forever celebrated". Both clubs had been hit hard by the loss of much-loved members to men's health issues in the recent seasons, and determined to stand up and be counted. Moonee Valley captain Jack Newman spoke with feeling at the end of the match, and called on players and supporters from both clubs to be vigilant to any signs and to step in and look after their mates before it got too late. Moonee Ponds batted first and were rocked by tight bowling spells, particularly Steve Hazelwood (3 wickets) and Alec McIntyre (2 wickets), before Luke Brock got us off to a flier with the bat to lead the way for Suraj Weerasinghe (34no) and Ben Thomas (21 retired hurt).

Moonee Valley cricket - junior and senior spots still available
Moonee Valley will welcome new senior and junior players for the 2022/23 season. There are vacancies still in our Under 12 and Under 10 teams, which both play Friday evenings. We have good squads of players for Under 16s and Under 14s, but can still top up with extra players. They are also Friday evening teams. We have senior men's turf and hard wicket teams, playing in both Saturday and Sunday grades, as well as women's cricket. We can accommodate extra players in both men's and women's teams, so anyone interested in playing or making a comeback to cricket should get in touch. Anyone interested in playing for Moonee Valley in the coming season - seniors, juniors or our premiership-winning women's team - can phone or text President Charlie Walker on 0411 705 381 or Vice President Mark Gauci on 0457 778 335. 
It's here - our 2021/22 Wisden The Moonee Valley 2021/22 Senior Wisden is now out, and offers hours of reading, reviews and statistics. It's a bumper edition - 144 pages - and chronicles our great club's past as well as our present. It's all in the Wisden - so have a look and see. Try and find: * Which 12 players made the Wisden Team of the Year? *Who has been our leading wicket-taker two years running? *Who took a senior hat-trick in 2021/22? *Who has the best bowling average (minimum 30 wickets) in our history of more than 50 years? *How many times has Ian Denny been selected as one of our five Wisden Cricketers of the Year? This information is all available - you just have to look. So start reading - here's the link Cheers, Charlie Walker, Editor, Moonee Valley Wisden 

Buy club clothing, pay your membership, buy tickets to club functions - do it all at www.mooneevalleycricketstore.com.au
Junior Registration - link here - https://play.cricket.com.au/club/moonee-valley-cricket-club/147223ea-86d8-eb11-a7ad-2818780da0cc
Main Club contact details:
* Charlie Walker - President 0411 705 381; 9370 1802 * Peter Golding - Treasurer 0419 009 721 * Michael Ozbun - Secretary 0448 548 860 * Mark Gauci - Vice President 0457 778 335 * Paul Simon - Junior Co-ordinator - 0400 946 117 mooneev@club.cricketvictoria.com.au Email: mooneev@club.cricketvictoria.com.au
For more contacts, see " Office bearers & Officials " under "Club News & Info" at the top of the page Last updated : December 18, 2022. For more of our history, including our Premierships, click HERE
