Our 2019/20 Senior Presentation Night is being held at our Ormond Park pavilion from 7.30pm on Saturday, January 30. Presentation was deferred at the end of last season due to the coronavirus pandemic.
It’s a neat casual/semi formal event, and we want as many partners as possible attending what is one of our official club events. No jeans please, and no match-day gear. Tickets @ $30 each can be booked and paid for through our club shop, www.mooneevalleycricketstore.com.au or booked and paid for at the clubrooms. The event is being catered for, with ample hot finger foods and salads, and the ticket cost includes two complimentary beers, wines or soft drinks. There will be background music to intersperse the presentation. As well as the team trophies and milestone awards, we will be honoring two new life members, Peter Golding and Allan Cumming. We will be announcing the winner of the 2019/20 Lindsay Jones Best Clubman award, plus a number of other awards. To help with our catering, please email charlie.walker@optusnet.com.au to confirm you’re coming, and whether you’re bringing a partner. * We’re also in the planning stages of the 2020/21 Senior Presentation Night, with a tentative date of either of the two Saturdays after Easter – April 10 or 17. Watch this space for more details.
OUR 350-GAME CHAMPIONS  Above - our three Immortals - L-R Ian Denny speaks in the rooms before the game, with Darren Nagle and Mark Gauci. Three of Moonee Valley's all-time greats made club history together on January 16 when they played their 350th games together. Playing in the Sixths in front of a big home crowd of current and past players, supporters and Life Members, Ian Denny, Darren Nagle and Mark Gauci jointly became the first players in our Club's 50-year history to reach the 350 game milestone. At right: All 200-gamers - L-R Daniel Phillips, Dean Jukic, Mark Gauci, Jim McKenzie and Warwick Nolan. There was a little bit of juggling to ensure the milestone fell on the same weekend for all three, but it all slotted in to place easily - Spud was on 347 games at the start of the season, while Egbert and Gauch were neck-and-neck on 343. The game was captained by another 300-gamer - Danny Terzini. Spud took a wicket in the match to move to another milestone - 450 - while Egbert doubled up in the Thirds the next day, with three wickets taking him to 650. Gauch almost joined the party - his 42 runs left him on 7998, and soon to become only the second player to reach 8000 runs. Life Member Sandro Capocchi spoke in the rooms before the game of the immense contribution the three legends have made to our club, both on and off the field. Spud was President for 13 years, Ian has also been President while Mark has been Vice President and captained the Firsts over nine seasons. Left: Ian Denny (left) and Sandro Capocchi. The gathering on the day featured 22 Life Members, demonstrating the respect earned by the three Valley warriors. It was fitting that the milestone game was played at Ormond Park, where all three have made a lasting impression both on and off the field. And equally fitting that it was played out of our new pavilion, while Ian, Darren and Mark have put in the hard yards over the years in less-than-salubrious facilities. The celebrations carried on well into the night. And while the Sixths fell just short in their game, it didn't dim the celebrations one jot. ***For more photos from the milestone match and celebrations, click HERE 200 GAME CONGRATS TO DANIEL PHILLIPS
Congratulations to Daniel Phillips on reaching his 200-game milestone as part of a wonderful career at Moonee Valley.
Daniel brought up the significant milestone in our Thirds on December 20, playing with great mates Mark Gauci and Dean Jukic. Life Member John Talone gave a quick speech in the Ormond Park rooms before the game, acknowledging Daniel’s great contribution to our club. And other Life Members visited and watched the game during the afternoon. It’s been a long time coming for Daniel, since playing his first game in the 1994/95 season. Daniel has done the hard yards for Moonee Valley, living for a number of years in Kilmore but still maintaining his commitment to our club. With his shift work, there were many times when Daniel would finish his work and grab a couple of hours sleep in the Ormond Park carpark before his game or training session. As captain, he did all the hard work to set up our Second Eleven premiership in 2009/10, but he stepped aside that season for a break. Daniel got his reward though, a key player in the Seconds premiership in 2014/15. His off-field contributions to Moonee Valley include a number of years on the committee, including the past three seasons. Daniel’s onfield record also stands the test of time, with 3500 runs and almost 200 wickets. He’s been a stalwart of our commitment to the Over 35s masters tournament at Barooga each year, and along with Gauch has played every game in every tournament we’ve entered. Daniel, we congratulate you. Above: Daniel Phillips and his teammates for his milestone match: L-R Dean Jukic, Mark Gauci, Harry Pickering, Domenic Gibaldi, Mitchell Britton, Daniel Phillips, Maks Rahman, Sunny Sharma, Sunil Bhandari, Dominic Rettino and Sagar Bhatia.

Buy club clothing, pay your membership, buy tickets to club functions - do it all at www.mooneevalleycricketstore.com.au
 Senior cricket training – Tuesdays and Thursdays
Moonee Valley seniors are training Tuesdays and Thursdays - with our women's team booked to train Wednesdays. Coach Glen Courts is at Ormond Park early to get training under way by 5.30pm, and we are training in accordance with COVID-19 compliance and safety. There are strict requirements from the Victorian Government and from Cricket Victoria which have enabled us to return to play, and they have been endorsed by our Associations. As part of staying safe: 
*Players should come dressed ready to train or play - minimise use of change rooms. *There is no sharing of food or drinks. Players should bring their own food and drink - or can buy an individual, clear-wrapped meal at the canteen. *Sanitizer is provided at the ground, and players are expected to sanitize hands on a regular basis. * Any shared equipment has to be sanitized before it can be passed to anyone else. *Balls will need to be regularly sanitized. *Social distancing is required, and players are required to wear masks at all times unless batting, bowling and participating in drills which require exertion. *We all have masks from the lockdown, so players should bring their own mask. *Players and anyone staying on game day or for training more than 15 minutes MUST sign in and sign out for training with the QR code – and this can be done on mobile phones. People who come into the pavilion must also sign in and out with a separate QR code. *Under the return to play provisions, players MUST train in groups of up to 11 on each night, and are not allowed to mingle or interchange with the other groups at the session. *Anyone who feels ill or has any symptoms of COVID-19 must stay away from Ormond Park and other players, and as per Government directives should get tested. Players interested in joining Moonee Valley can ring Glen Courts on 0403 329 652 or club President Charlie Walker on 0411 705 381. See you at training. Charlie Walker. President, Moonee Valley Cricket Club
Main Club contact details:
* Charlie Walker - President 0411 705 381; 9370 1802 * Peter Golding - Treasurer 0419 009 721 * Michael Ozbun - Secretary 0448 548 860 * Mark Gauci - Vice President 0457 778 335 * Peter Pickering - Junior Co-ordinator - mooneev@club.cricketvictoria.com.au Email: mooneev@club.cricketvictoria.com.au
For more contacts, see " Office bearers & Officials " under "Club News & Info" at the top of the page Last updated : January 19, 2021. For more of our history, including our Premierships, click HERE
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