Moonee Valley players, family and members gathered at the Ormond Park clubhouse on December 20 to celebrate the last day of play before the Christmas break. And what a strange final weekend it was! After having our juniors cancelled for extreme heat on the Friday night, and the same result for our seniors on the Saturday - we battled wet weather on the Sunday of our Christmas party - to see the Thirds finally forced off the ground for a draw! Right up until we were forced off, we looked the goods. But no matter - we all gathered for a few drinks and to celebrate the half-way mark of the season. The highlight of the early evening was the big raffle draw - with the $500 cash first prize won by former junior Leo Gardiner. Thanks the the main organisers of the day - led by the ever-reliable Danny Terzini, who organised the food, the raffle and the publicity. Thanks also to Matt Thomas and Vanessa Riggio for their part in buying food, setting up the meal and making salads, and to the guys behind the bar all day.
Our Barooga adventure: Valley Over 35s do us proud

Moonee Valley Cricket Club sent a team to the Barooga Over 35s tournament over the Christmas break, and the guys did us proud. While we lost our first match of the January 11 to 14 tournament, we recovered well to win our next to games convincingly and end up with the best run rate of any of the teams. This is the third year now that Moonee Valley has attended. Our team was: Daniel Phillips (capt), Jim Polonidis, Mark Gauci, Neil King, Troy Eden and his father Tony, Allan Cumming, Dean Jukic, Sean O'Kane, Adam Patchell, Simon Thornton, Charlie Walker and past Valley player Glen Courts. Our first game was under lights on the Barooga Sports Club main ground, and we went down to the eventual tournament winner Yarrawonga/Mulwala. We were admirably led by Daniel Phillips, who as well as captaining the side, scored most runs and took most wickets for our team. Above: A big win on the final day of the tournament: Resplendent in our bright green shirts are L-R: Back - Daniel Phillips, Glen Courts, Sean O'Kane, Troy Eden, Simon Thornton, Dean Jukic, Adam Patchell and Mark Gauci. Front - the real old blokes get down and can't get up again: Allan Cumming, Charlie Walker and Neil King.
Our 2014/15 Senior Wisden. Note that this document hasn't been final-proofed. It will be taken down and replaced when finalised.
Main Club contact details:
* Charlie Walker - President 0409 237 543; 9370 1802 * Adam Patchell - Club Secretary 0407 552 141 * Peter Golding - Club Treasurer 0419 009 721 * Simon Thornton - Vice President 0417 570 779 * Leigh Holder - Joint Junior Co-ordinator 0423 226 532 * Peter Pickering - Joint Junior Co-ordinator 0414 800 145 * Channa DeSilva - Director of Junior Cricket 0402 833 592
For more contacts, see " Office bearers & Officials " under "Club News & Info" at the top of the page
Last updated: January 31, 2016.
For more of our history, including our Premierships, click HERE
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Posted January 29, 2016 in Latest News

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