Our senior pre-season schedule - all the dates
Coach Brayden McGregor (left) has finalised the pre-season training schedule for the senior club. With the promotion to Division 3 for our Firsts and Seconds in the VTCA, it is important that players across all our grades are ready to go when the season starts. We kick off with a Sunday morning net session at Ormond Park on July 28, and the calendar includes indoor and outdoor net sessions, pilates and a September 13-15 weekend at Barooga for practice matches on turf. To see the full calendar, click HERE

*****REGISTER FOR WINTER CRICKET - CLICK HERE ************************************ DOM GIBALDI TAKES OUT OUR LINDSAY JONES AWARD Congratulations to Domenic Gibaldi on being announced the prestigious Lindsay Jones Best Clubperson award at our Presentation Night on April 13.
Dom showed his passion and enthusiasm for our great club both in his acceptance speech and earlier in the night, when he presented awards to his beloved premiership-winning Second Eleven. At right - Dom Gibaldi with his plaque. As President Charlie Walker said in announcing Dom as the Lindsay Jones Best Clubperson, he was prepared to take on the jobs that no-one else was willing to handle, and turn them into successes. Geoff McKeown was presented with Life Membership at the function, at the Moonee Ponds Club. His Life Membership was presented by Jim Polonidis and Mark Gauci, and is the culmination of a career that began in 1998. Our 2023/24 Club Champion is Ruwan Jayaweera, who took an incredible 42 wickets in the First Eleven. First Eleven captain and Committee member Jack Newman also presented the Sean O'Kane Ward, for players in all Elevens other than the Firsts. It was won by Fourths captain Prem Janarthanan, who compiled 1205 points - the highest winning total this century, and perhaps of all time. *For more details of the winners and photos of the night, click HERE .
Congratulations to Moonee Valley cricketer Sandra Verschoor, who was presented with the NWMCA Women's Division 1 batting award for 333 runs for 2023/24 at the amazing average of 333.0.
Sandra was out just once for the season, and her 77no in the final round of the season propelled the team into the finals. At left: Sandra Verschoor receives her batting award from North West Metropolitan Cricket Association administrator Bill Maddern. Sandra received her trophy at the NWMCA Presentation Night at Taylors Lakes on April 12. Sandra has now made 757 runs in her 32 games for Moonee Valley at the stellar average of 63.08. She's fast closing on her son Joshua Norsetter, who has 951 runs from 124 senior games at Moonee Valley. Husband Howard Norsetter also pulled on the Valley whites half a dozen times. As women's coach Darren Nagle said at our presentation night - Sandra, you won't be retiring any time soon!  Announcement: Moonee Valley Senior Coach appointment 2024/25
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Brayden McGregor as Moonee Valley's senior coach for the 2024/25 season. Brayden joined Moonee Valley as a player half way through the 2022/23 season, and has become
an integral part of our First Eleven. He has played First Eleven cricket for Premier club Carlton, and has been keen to expand his role at Moonee Valley. His appointment was announced to the players at Ormond Park on March 7 by club Vice-President and 2023/24 coach Mark Gauci. Gauch was not seeking reappointment as coach, and was actively involved in interviewing Brayden and recommending his appointment to the club executive. Brayden has been running skills sessions at training throughout the season and has already made an impact on skills development, particularly with the players in the First and Second Elevens. Above: The appointment of Brayden McGregor (left) as our 2024/25 coach was announced at training by Mark Gauci.

Buy club clothing, pay your membership, buy tickets to club functions - do it all at www.mooneevalleycricketstore.com.au
Junior Registration - link here - https://play.cricket.com.au/club/moonee-valley-cricket-club/147223ea-86d8-eb11-a7ad-2818780da0cc
Main Club contact details:
* Charlie Walker - President 0411 705 381; 9370 1802 * Allan Cumming - Treasurer 0438 380 990 * Sarah Fenn - Secretary 0438 141 179 * Mark Gauci - Vice President 0457 778 335 * Paul Sevenson - Junior Co-ordinator - 0407 556 950 Emails: mooneevalleycricket@gmail.com charlie.walker@optusnet.com.au
For more contacts, see " Office bearers & Officials " under "Club News & Info" at the top of the page Last updated : June 19, 2024. For more of our history, including our Premierships, click HERE

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