OUR COACHES FOR 2022/23 Moonee Valley Cricket Club is taking an innovative panel approach to our coaching personnel for 2022/23 - tapping into a range of skills across the club. Life Member and past senior coach Mark Gauci (pictured below) is playing a key role, helping to co-ordinate the coaching and keeping a particular eye on developing the skills of lower grade and emerging younger players. Gauch has also been appointed Chairman of Selectors. We will be utilising the skills and experience of First Eleven captain Jack Newman and former Carlton Premier player Sam Younghusband to focus on the training and development of the players who will be in and around Firsts selection. Our overseas player and former Pakistan first class player Wasim Abbas will play an up-front role across the whole of the senior section of the club. Wasim, who arrives in Australia on September 13, has a Level 1 coaching qualification from Pakistan and is keen to get a Level 2 Australian qualification. At right: International player/coaching panel member Wasim Abbas teaching one of his junior Pakistan players. Wasim has coached the Under 16 and Under 19 rep teams for Dera Ismail Khan District - the equivalent of coaching State cricket or one level below.
With his background and expertise in coaching top-level juniors, Wasim will also have a strong presence in Moonee Valley's junior program, with a particular emphasis on our Under 16s. A right-handed bat and right-arm offspinner, he will have a load of experience to help bring on our juniors. Two junior coaches from last season - Andreas Skiotis and Pat Taylor, have been reappointed. Both are moving up an age group with their young charges - Andreas to Under 14s and Pat to the Under 12s. We are still to finalise our Under 10 coach.

Our Moonee Valley Cricket Club AGM - outcome The annual general meeting of the Moonee Valley Cricket Club Inc. was held on Monday, August 1 at the Moonee Ponds Club, with Treasurer Peter Golding reporting the most healthy profit for a decade. Around 20 members attended, either in person or via a Zoom link. The election of officebearers saw: *Charlie Walker (right) - President - returned unopposed. *Mark Gauci - Vice President - returned unopposed. *Michael Ozbun - Secretary - returned unopposed. *Peter Golding - Treasurer - returned unopposed. *General committee members - Allan Cumming, Andreas Skiotis, Bede Gannon, Daniel Phillips, Brendan Rhodes - returned unopposed. *Assistant Treasurer - Rahul "Sunny" Sharma - elected. *General committee members - Dean Jukic, Michael Borcher - elected. Charlie Walker was reappointed interim Junior Co-ordinator, pending inquiries from other potential applicants
Pre season is here ! Venue - Ormond Park, Pattison St, Moonee Ponds Training starting on Sunday August 14th at 11am, followed by a social gathering at the Ascot Vale Hotel Sundays will continue on the 21st and 28th Tuesdays and Thursdays as of the 30th of August starting at 5pm Training will move to 6pm when daylight savings starts See you all there
Moonee Valley cricket - recruiting for 2022/23
Moonee Valley will welcome new senior and junior players for the 2022/23 season. We plan to have senior men's turf and hard wicket teams, playing in both Saturday and Sunday grades, as well as women's cricket. Our club expects to have juniors at the Under 16, Under 14, Under 12 and Under 10 levels in the coming season, playing Friday evenings. Anyone interested in playing for Moonee Valley in the coming season - seniors, juniors or our premiership-winning women's team - can phone or text President Charlie Walker on 0411 705 381 or Vice President Mark Gauci on 0457 778 335.

Buy club clothing, pay your membership, buy tickets to club functions - do it all at www.mooneevalleycricketstore.com.au
Junior Registration - link here - https://play.cricket.com.au/club/moonee-valley-cricket-club/147223ea-86d8-eb11-a7ad-2818780da0cc

Main Club contact details:
* Charlie Walker - President 0411 705 381; 9370 1802 * Peter Golding - Treasurer 0419 009 721 * Michael Ozbun - Secretary 0448 548 860 * Mark Gauci - Vice President 0457 778 335 * Charlie Walker - Junior Co-ordinator - mooneev@club.cricketvictoria.com.au Email: mooneev@club.cricketvictoria.com.au
For more contacts, see " Office bearers & Officials " under "Club News & Info" at the top of the page Last updated : August 22, 2022. For more of our history, including our Premierships, click HERE

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