Moonee Valley Cricket Club


Front Page - up to August 21, 2014


Winter comp captain Michael Ozbun - led from the front in the field. We're in the Winter Comp Grand

Moonee Valley has won through to the Mid Year Cricket Association Central Division Grand Final, with a commanding win over Balmoral in the Semi - 0/116 to 115.
The Grand Final is on Saturday, August 16 down at Fairbairn Park No. 4 oval, off Woods St, Ascot Vale.
We're playing Avondale Heights, and Moonee Valley takes an unchanged team into the big match.

Our team is: Anthony Cafari, Daniel Comande, Bede Gannon, Peter Golding, Kern Kapoor, Gaurav Malhotra, Jack Newman, Michael Ozbun (capt) - right, Adam Patchell, Amandeep Singh, Ben Thomas. 12th man: Sam Carbone.

A look through the MyCricket stats shows we've had excellent seasons with the bat from Kern Kapoor, Gaurav Malhotra, Ben Thomas and the injured Matt Thomas.
Our stars with the ball have included Adam Patchell, Amandeep Singh, Kern Kapoor, young guns Jack Newman and Anthony Cafari and Bede Gannon.
The match starts at midday. We had a good turnout of spectators for the semi final, so let's ensure that there's plenty of vocal Moonee Valley support for the big game.

***Pre-season training schedule
- starts Thursday, August 14 -
see full details in the "Latest News"
column on the right *****

Charlie honored for his services to cricket

Moonee Valley President Charlie Walker with his Life Member badge bestowed by the North West Metropolitan Cricket Association.Moonee Valley’s Graeme “Charlie” Walker has been honored with Life Membership of the North West Metropolitan Cricket Association.
The Life Membership was announced and presented to Charlie by NWMCA president Steven Knight at the association’s annual general meeting on July 28.
Charlie was recently re-elected Moonee Valley Cricket Club President for his seventh season, and was our Club’s junior co-ordinator for seven seasons before that.
Charlie, 58, has been the North West’s Under 10 Co-ordinator and a member of the junior committee since 2002/03, and our regular club delegate.
He’s also on the junior wet weather committee and is the regular voice for the recorded message on the NWMCA’s weather line for junior announcements, and on many occasions for senior announcements too.
Charlie said he was honored to be acknowledged with Life Membership and especially pleased to have received it from Steven Knight, with whom he has worked closely for many years on junior cricket initiatives, and on occasions on senior matters.
Charlie is responsible for Under 10 fixturing each season, and also has a keen interest in the Association’s rules and bylaws and discipline and investigations issues at both the junior and senior levels.
“I enjoy being involved as Under 10 Co-ordinator in the entry-level age group for cricket,” he said.

At left: Moonee Valley President Charlie Walker with his Life Member badge bestowed by the North West Metropolitan Cricket Association.

“It is important that things run as smoothly as possible for youngsters in their introductory season to our great sport of cricket, and equally important that their parents can have confidence in the program provided by our clubs and our Association.
“It was particularly pleasing that in the 2013/14 season we had 64 Under 10 teams, which is the most we’ve ever had in my 12 seasons in the role.
“I first became involved with the North West when I raised issues with the timing of the Under 10 fixture. But instead of just complaining I offered to work on a solution, and my involvement has continued since then.”
Paul Brock from Moonee Valley - elected to the NWMCA Board.MVCC parent Paul Brock (right) was elected Junior Vice President at the AGM, and as head of the junior committee this means Moonee Valley will be well placed to raise issues of concern to our Club.
“As members of the junior committee we are representing the interests of junior cricket, rather than our own Club,” Charlie said.
“However, membership gives us the opportunity to ensure that matters of interest to our Club and our parents can at least be brought to the attention of the decision-makers.”
Rob Arnold of Taylors Lakes Cricket Club, who joined the junior committee the same year as Charlie, did the other age groups of junior fixturing and has also served on the NWMCA Board, was also honored with Life Membership.
Rob and Charlie are now among just 35 Life Members of the NWMCA and its predecessors, the North West Cricket Association and the Moreland Moonee Valley Cricket Association.

Rex Bennett - reappointed Moonee Valley senior coach.Rex is back in the coach hot-seat
Moonee Valley Cricket Club is pleased to announce that Rex Bennett (left) has been reappointed as our senior coach for the 2014/15 season.
Our bylaws require our coach position to be advertised each season. 
That process confirmed to the Committee that Rex was the outstanding candidate, and his reappointment was confirmed on April 30. 
The process also gave us the opportunity to dissect the 2013/14 season with Rex and to plan together how we will progress in 2014/15. 
Both Rex and the Committee had views on areas that could be improved, and we are confident that implementation of some of these initiatives will hold us in good stead in the year ahead.
Our negotiations for the return of our Pakistani internationals Khalid Hassan and Nasir Ahmed for next season are also well advanced.
We will also welcome back Kris Garland next season, along with a couple of outstanding young English prospects.
***Players interested in pulling on the whites for Moonee Valley this season can ring Club President Charlie Walker on 0409 237 543 or Coach Rex Bennett on 0412 472 334.

Our  2013/14  Annual  General  Meeting
Moonee Valley Cricket Club has welcomed two new members to the committee, following our Annual General Meeting on Monday, July 7.
Adam Patchell and James Holt were elected to the committee, while treasurer Stephen Tassos did not seek re-election.
Charlie Walker - his seventh year as president.Charlie Walker was re-elected president for his seventh year.
Peter Golding vacated the secretary role to become treasurer, and Adam Patchell took on Peter's old job.
Our Committee is:
President Charlie Walker (right)
Vice President Simon Thornton
Secretary Adam Patchell
Treasurer Peter Golding
Junior Co-ordinator Kevin Gardiner
General committee members Matt Thomas, Jesse Nankivell-Sandor, Allan Cumming, Jacob de Niese, Mark Gauci, James Holt.

The meeting, held at the Moonee Ponds Club - one of our major sponsors - was attended by 21 members.
The treasurer advised we recorded a small deficit for the season's trading, but the committee has already taken steps to address the causes of the shortfall.
The reappointment of Rex Bennett as coach was announced to members at the start of May, while the reappointment of Matt Thomas as First Eleven captain was announced at the AGM.
The meeting ran from 7.15 to 8.45pm as members availed themselves of the opportunity to ask questions of our performance and offer advice on the Club going forward - particularly with discussion on some of the trends and outcomes of the recent surveys of members we have done electronically.
Our thanks go to Peter Golding for his excellent production and presentation of the annual report, which can be viewed HERE.

Moonee Valley's Words of Wisdom Wisden

Here's the long-awaited 2013/14 Moonee Valley Wisden, chock full of stats and information from the just-completed season and harking back to our distant past.
As always, there's hours of reading and stats to pore over.
Moonee Valley WisdenSome of the questions you'll have answered are:
     *Who's the captain of our Wisden Team of the Year?
     *Who's the opening bowling attack in our Wisden Team of the Year?
     *Who scored most runs over the season?
     *What are our new all-time best partnerships?
     *Who's played our most combined senior/junior games?
There's 102 pages of reading and you'll find out all about the season that was - including the Sixths Premiership.
The 2013/14 Junior Wisden is in the final stages of production, and will be posted on the website shortly.
We should have printed copies of the Senior Wisden available to hand out at the Annual General Meeting on July 7.
*To see the 2013/14 Wisden, click HERE 

* To see the 2013/14 Junior Wisden, click HERE 

Moonee Valley boys celebrate at James Holt's wedding. L-R Matt Thomas, Darren Nagle, Sean O'Kane, Ben Thomas, John Talone (front), James Holt, Jim McKenzie (back), Dean Jukic and Mark Gauci. Our Holty gets his day in court

 Moonee Valley's James Holt was booked for an appearance in the old Gisborne Courthouse on May 24, and duly turned up to face the Beak - or in this case, the Preacher.
While most people who front court come away with a sentence, in this case Holty copped it sweet - his sweet new wife Katrina.
The old courthouse was the venue for their wedding, and a host of Moonee Valley teammates and their partners were on hand to help James and Katrina celebrate.
Congratulations James and Katrina, from all of us at the Valley!
Pictured here celebrating are L-R Matt Thomas, Darren Nagle, Sean O'Kane, Ben Thomas, John Talone (front), James Holt, Jim McKenzie (back), Dean Jukic and Mark Gauci.
For more pictures, click HERE. 

 Main Club contact details:

* Charlie Walker - President 0409 237 543; 9370 1802
* Adam Patchell - Club Secretary 0407 552 141 
* Peter Golding - Club Treasurer 0419 009 721
* Simon Thornton - Vice President 0417 570 779
* Kevin Gardiner - Junior Co-ordinator 0417 536 896


For more contacts, see " Office bearers & Officials " under "Club News & Info" at the top of the page

Last updated: August 11, 2014.

For more of our history, including our Premierships, click HERE


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