Come to our Cup Day at Reunion Bar
The Moonee Valley Cricket Club's Melbourne Cup function is being held at the Reunion Bar in Ascot Vale again this year. MVCC sponsor and occasional player Matt Clare is hosting the November 5 function, starting from 11am. Entry is $30 per person, and Matt is putting on a scrumptuous barbecue meal with salads. We've got sweeps, mystery bets, and all manner of entertainment. The theme is "Outrageous Shirt Day", and we expect our players to have a crack at bettering the shirts that guys like Matt Thomas and Darren Nagle (right) wear to the club on any normal day. The Melbourne Cup day is one of our major fundraisers, so we call on players, supporters and parents of the club to come along and enjoy with us. The Reunion Bar is at 164 Union Rd. Matt has secured a late licence for the day, so we expect to be celebrating until around 9pm. Any queries: Phone Charlie Walker 0409 237 543.
Remembering our Valley great Peter Gardiner
Moonee Valley great Peter "PG" Gardiner was remembered fondly by the huge crowd who attended his funeral on Friday, October 18, and again at a celebration of his life at the Moonee Valley bowling club rooms later that day.
PG had a huge impact on the Moonee Valley cricket, bowls and football clubs, and the hundreds of attendees were a testament to just how much he touched us.
His brother and fellow Moonee Valley Cricket Club Life Member Kevin Gardiner spoke eloquently at the funeral, and MVCC co-founder Ray Storey and Peter's daughter Jessie gave some wonderful insights into the man and his life.
Back at the bowling club, friends and colleagues from across the three clubs were given an open microphone to share their recollections of Peter.
PG's passing brought together a Who's Who of the Moonee Valley Cricket Club, including Life Members Laurie Mayne, Darren Nagle, Sandro Capocchi, Greg Peters, Michael Harvey, Ray Storey, Ian Sutherland, Warwick Nolan, Jim McKenzie and Charlie Walker.
We'll all miss him.
***Click here for a link to more photos and words.
Moonee Valley held its Winter Competition presentation night at the Ormond Park clubrooms on Sunday, October 27. We started our inaugural season in the Mid Year Cricket Association in great style, but tapered off during the season. But we had a great time and saw some excellent performances, and they were recalled and rewarded at our presentation - after the gathering watched a magnificent Fifths victory, winning nine wickets down off the last ball of the day. Our inaugural MYCA batting award was won by Matt Thomas with 182 runs @ 45.5, and Umar Farooq won the bowling award with 9 wickets @ 15. Michael Ozbun was the runaway best fielder with 14 votes, while Kern Kapoor's class with bat, ball and in the field earned him the Most Valuable Player medal. Umar received a five-for trophy for his 5/24, which swung the game against County West. We're already looking forward to our second winter comp season. Pictured above: Skipper Stephen Ward (centre) is flanked by award winners (L-R) Kern Kapoor, Michael Ozbun, Matt Thomas and Umar Farooq.
Moonee Valley's excellent Mercantile debut
Moonee Valley Thirds won first-up in our Mercantile Cricket Association debut. Our team was (L-R) - Back: Bill Barber, Ben Thomas, Pardeep Singh, George Loh, Adam Patchell, captain Jesse Nankivell-Sandor and Mitchell Evans. Front: Jacob de Niese, Lou Raffaele, Daniel Comande and Heath Webb-Johnson.
Moonee Valley made an excellent debut in the Mercantile Cricket Association in Round 1, with a convincing win over Bentleigh. Playing in Mercantile's B Grade for the October 6 fixture, Moonee Valley set the stage with an innings of 9/207, on the back of 95 from Lou Raffaele and 41 from Valley debutant Bill Barber. At Bentleigh's picturesque ground, we got the home team all out for 147, with teen leg spinner Daniel Comande at times unplayable for four wickets, and another former Valley junior Mitchell Evans in complete control behind the stumps. The Moonee Valley committee made the decision to move our third and fourth turf teams to Mercantile this season because the VTCA couldn't give us what we want.
We want our Thirds to play two-day cricket, and the VTCA could only accommodate our Sunday team in a one-day grade. Mercantile is however able to give us our preferred option - Sunday home games and mainly-Saturday away games. Our we've earmarked our Fifths as a youth development team, with life member and past president Darren Nagle to lead and mentor younger players on turf. Many of these young men play juniors on Sunday mornings and finish at 11.45, and the VTCA did not accede to our request to vary its Sunday turf start team to enable us to get to the game. Mercantile was able to help, and agreed to 12.45 start times for our games when juniors are playing, and 1pm starts when we have to travel longer distances. The Fifths had a bye in Week 1.
Mitchell Evans (left) was in great form behind the stumps, and also showed excellent technique with the bat.
Main Club contact details:
Charlie Walker - President 0409 237 543; 9370 1802 Peter Golding - Club Secretary 0419 009 721 Simon Thornton - Vice President 0417 570 779
For more contacts, see " Office bearers & Officials " under "Club News & Info" at the top of the page
Last updated: November 1, 2013.
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