Our 2013 Christmas party - and Thirds action
At right: Waiting in line for the call that never came: Bede Gannon's close mate and former junior teammate Kilian Cusack wasn't required to bat, but was kitted up and ready in the Thirds match. At the far end is his father, Moonee Valley councillor and our cricket club supporter Jim Cusack, and Bede's mates Sam Hallett and Matt Gleeson.
At left: Watching the action in the Thirds game: George Loh stands behind (L-R) Seconds captain Jacob de Niese, Sean O'Kane and Ryan Fairclough.
At right: Christmas cheer: L-R Firsts captain Matt Thomas, brother Ben and our English returnee, Kris Garland.
At left: Enjoying the shade of our marquee, donated by Toyota: L-R: Peter Whebell, in his last outing at Moonee Valley before heading overseas for a year; coach Rex Bennett and Neil King. Part of Peter's role overseas is teaching cricket to the Poms - and don't they need it!
At right: Clubmen in the clubrooms: L-R Mark Gauci, life members Sandro Capocchi and Jim Polonidis, and Dean Jukic.
At left: Taking in all the action on the field: Players, scorers and supporters: From left: Michael Ozbun, Sam Carbone, Shan Amunugama, Michael Cumbo and Jeanette Wright.
At right: Vice President Simon Thornton had his own revellers out from England: L-R Darren Gaskell (who played in our Sevenths for a game) with his wife Alison; and Simon with his mum Jean.
At left: More interested in the inside action than out on the pitch: L-R Tony Gleeson, Darren Nagle, Jim McKenzie and Norm Wright.
At right: Celebrating Bede Gannon's 100th game - with his own banner! At rear is Matt Gleeson and Bede, and at front are Sam Hallett, Kilian Cusack and Jesse Nankivell-Sandor.
At left: Proud dad James Wright with son Dylan, who's been starring both in the Under 16s and on turf in the seniors.At right: Vanessa and Agatha help take the minds of the guys off the cricket: At least Mark Gauci and Jim Polonidis think so!
At left: There's business to attend to! And so it was for Simon Thornton and Adele Walker in the bar.
At right: Caught out, Prids! Craig Pridham (left) was caught watching the Test action on TV, while Tony Gleeson is clearly running his eye over the form of our Thirds on the oval outside.
At left: Interested dad Kris Amunugama (left) sits with Junior Co-ordinator Kevin Gardiner to assess the form of the Thirds.